Music of the Era

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sir, Can you spare $100 million?

International News Story

                                  Yes, Bill Gates was arrested at 19 for a traffic vilation

       I wonder if Bill Gates likes to visit Egypt. The pyramids, the Sphinx, the Nile-it is a historically fascinating place. Well, if he likes it enough I guess he could just buy it. “How?” you ask. Since July 16, 1999, William H. Gates has been worth more than $100 billion, annually making him one of the richest men in the world, and richer than a large majority of the world’s countries. In recent years, his philanthropic donations and his decision to step down from chief operations of Microsoft have left him with a now paltry $50 billion. The $100 billion mark caused awe from nearly everyone in the big business game. After this point, the question of charity and world philanthropy started to play more heavily on Gates. In a country with millions in poverty, many people began to ask, “Is $100 billion too much?” However, because of his lack of stance on political and social issues and his generous donations, Bill Gates has seen a relatively high approval rate. The public still sees Gates as an extraordinarily lucky and ambitious man who knows he has more money than he knows what to do with.

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